Friday, March 10, 2023

Gordon Clark: Transcriptions of Material from Photo Album

There are no transcriptions yet of following material that I've only seen in a photo album here, so the below aims to fill in that gap:

c. 1936 Letter to a friend.

Dear Friend:

This is to extend to you a personal and urgent invitation to attend an important meeting of Presbyterians at the Rennert Hotel, Saratoga and Liberty Streets, Baltimore, Md., on Friday, February 14th, at 8 P. M. The purpose of this meeting will be to inform Presbyterians of the great crisis that confronts the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and to plan to do something about it. The Rev. Charles J. Woodbridge, of The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, and Dr. J. Gresham Machen, of Westminster Theological Seminary, will be the speakers. This is a momentous occasion! You cannot afford to miss it. Bring all your Presbyterian friends with you. We are counting on your presence and yours prayers.

Yours for the Gospel, 

Gordon H. Clark

Elder, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.

c. 1940s. A Poem

610 Howard Steet

Wheaton, Ill.

Be still, my soul, and know thy God

His light and truth behold.

With calm content prepare thy mind

To hear his wisdom told.


Eradicate emotion bling

The heat of passion flee.

The Shadow of a mighty Rock

His mind shall be for thee.


He is the Way, the Truth, the Life

The Light of men is He.

Attend, my soul, and see that Light

His truth shall make thee free.

????. Science Contains No Truth (author unnamed and typewritten)

All knowledge that is acquired through the scientific method, in the final analysis, reduces to the measurement of the distance between two points. 

Since the distance between two points can Never be known exactly of perfectly, then the scientific method is unable to give truthful information. This means that all knowledge in the realm of science is at best uncertain. 

Absolute Truth can come only through Revelation. In this realm our object of faith is the omniscient God, and that faith itself is His gift to the believer.

Science gives us knowledge that is verifiable by temporal.

Revelation gives us knowledge that is unverifiable but eternal.

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