Thursday, January 5, 2023

Gordon Clark: More on Morality (The Southern Presbyterian Journal)

1959. More on Morality. The Southern Presbyterian Journal. Jun 3

More on Morality

Mr. Oren D. Pritchard (our good neighbor), the President of the National Association of Life Underwriters, has just released some interesting figures.

For every dollar spent on charity the better known local, private groups must collect one dollar and seven cents. To spend a similar dollar a municipality must collect a dollar twenty seven. On the state level this overhead rises from twenty seven cents to one dollar. The state must collect two dollars for every one spent on charity. But the government must collect three dollars for every one dollar that the receipient gets.

Near Indianapolis a business man bought a small acreage. It had not been farmed for some time. For promising not to raise corn on it, he is paid twenty five dollars an acre. Sensing his advantage, he now rents extra acres from a less intelligent man for twelve dollars a year, and receives twenty five dollars from the government for doing nothing with them.

Another gentleman was approaching sixty-five. He knew he would be forced to retire. But his boss said, Don't retire; let me fire you. Then you can collect twenty-six weeks of unemployment benefits and get your pension too.

The force that is disintegrating the United States is not inflation. That is only a symptom. Nor is it Khrushchev. Some spunk could take care of him. The eroding evil of our land is the immorality of the people. Honesty has been discarded. False ideals have been accepted. And the results are raids on the public treasury, the cheapening of our money, legal privileges granted to pressure groups, the inability of the courts to deal with communist infiltration, and all the drunkenness and adultery that goes on with the law's approval.

One thing that our country needs is a good dose of Christian moral standards.

— G. H. C.


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