Monday, April 4, 2022

Gordon Clark: Church Property Grab (Christianity Today)

1962. Church property grab. Christianity Today. 28 Sep. Vol 6. No. 25. pg. 24.

Church Property Grab

CHRISTIANITY TODAY (News, July 20 issue) reports that Dr. Glen W. Harris, fraternal delegate from the UPUSA to the Cumberland Presbyterian Assembly, apologized for his denomination’s suing and closing Cumberland churches 55 years ago. “We are conscious that 55 years ago and in the years immediately following, our church appeared to be more interested in church property and legal rights than in Christian love and witness. For this too we ask your forgiveness.”

Fine words these! Maybe 55 years from now the UPUSA will ask our forgiveness for its continued interest in church property and its lack of Christian love.

Before the merger of the UP and USA churches in 1958 our congregation asked for and received a quit claim deed to our property from the old UP church. The congregation voted unanimously not to enter the merger, and then requested admission to the Reformed Presbyterian Church. But after the merger, the big church instituted suit against us. The matter is still in court. Maybe they are waiting to win the suit before apologizing.


Indianapolis, Ind.

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