Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Towards a Comprehensive, Chronological Bibliography of Gordon Clark

The following are notes meant to accompany what is eventually intended to be a comprehensive, chronological bibliography of Gordon Clark recently posted here. The bibliography itself builds on one that Doug Douma created. Differences are as follows:

a) I've chronologized the list as best as I can. 

b) Where possible, I've linked to where one can find a public, searchable version of each work.

c) Much more Clark material has been found since Doug created his bibliography. I've also included known letters by Clark in the bibliography.

I was able to find online archives of The Presbyterian Guardian, The New ScholasticumChristianity Today, The Southern Presbyterian, The Presbyterian, Blue Banner Faith and Life, and publications by the Evangelical Theological Society. 

Some publications are not accessible online, like those from The Gordon Review, Christian Scholars Review, The Presbyterian, The Calvin Forum, the Reformed Presbyterian AdvocateBible Presbyterian Reporter, The Witness, and the American Scientific Affiliation. Other publications may be incomplete or have discrepancies, like The Home Evangel or The Evangelical Quarterly. 

Those with access to the publications I mentioned which cannot be found online might be able to find more undiscovered work by Clark. One example: a 1953 article ("On Social Security: A Rejoinder") mentions a February 1952 article on the same topic and by the same publication, The Witness. However, there is no one I know of who has access to the February 1952 issue, so it cannot be made publicly available. Other issues from The Witness might have even more articles, and the same is true for the other publications in the previous paragraph.

So while the bibliography is eventually intended to be as comprehensive as possible, there are more writings by Clark than contained in this bibliography. I have quite a lot of material from the J. Oliver Buswell library at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis that has yet to be included - probably pages worth of bibliographic material. This bibliography should more so be looked at as a first draft that satisfies one function of the bibliography within the scope of the larger project I have in mind: to allow interested parties to read and more easily follow the development of Clark's thought (link). 

Finally, as a work in progress, I would also like to make the entries more uniform in terms of formatting. I also imagine there are mistakes within the bibliography, which is 50+ pdf pages. If anyone finds something in need of correction, they are welcome to let me know.

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