Thursday, April 1, 2021

300th Post: An Indulgent Look Back

When I first started this blog, I completed my first 100 posts nearly within a year. The next 100 posts took around 2 years, and it has since taken me 9 years to complete this most recent iteration. The exponential lapse in time between publishing my thoughts has only been exceeded by the exponential increase in God's grace in my life, so I can't say that I am too dissatisfied. At the same time, be it God's will, hopefully it won't be another decade or so for me to take this kind of opportunity to look back at where I was and have come to be.

It's hard to believe how quickly time flies. it doesn't seem too long ago that I was beginning to grapple with, among other things, Trinitarianism, metaphysics, contemporary epistemology, theology proper, textual criticism, and podcasting. I have some thoughts I hope to post shortly. I know I can be a better steward of my time, and while that does not mean hanging around on blogger, it does mean putting talents God has given me to better use.

For readers who happen upon this post and wonder what I have been up to - which may be nobody, but at least, as with the rest of this blog, I'll now be able to revisit present reflections later - God has been, as always, good. I've been blessed by local church, wife, house, dog, family, and friends. I pray I have grown in grace as well as knowledge and that, by God's power, I am better able to obey the first and second commandments. I still work on being more disciplined with myself, less short with others, and more appreciative for what God has done for me, for what do I have that I have not received? Exalt God, and you will be exalted. And so, reader, as my pastor says during the benediction:

The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all, now and forevermore. Amen.

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