Monday, June 26, 2023


Members of the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension, Class of 1936: Rev. Samuel J. Allen, Rev. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., D.D., Gordon n. Clark, Ph.D., C. W. Clelland, C. K. Cummings, Rev. E. C. De Velde, Rev. Edwin H. Rian, Rev. Clifford S. Smith, Bert W. Tennant, Rev. C. J. Woodbridge, Rev. Paul Woolley.

1936. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON HOME MISSIONS AND CHURCH EXTENSION. Minutes of the Second General Assembly. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church. November 12-14. Pgs. 7-11.

The Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension has endeavored to the best of its ability, to carry out the instructions of the First General Assembly. 

At the first meeting on June 12, 1936, the Committee elected the Rev. Charles J. Woodbridge, Chairman; Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D., Secretary; and the Rev. Paul Woolley, Treasurer. The Rev. Edwin H. Rian was appointed General Secretary to serve on a part time basis, beginning with June 15, 1936. Mr. Rian accepted this position and then resigned as a member of the Committee. 

Office space was rented at 1212 Commonwealth Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; a stenographer employed, and the work of the Committee carried forward. 

Printing of the Minutes 

One of the first actions of the Committee was to order the printing of 1,000 copies of the Minutes of the First General Assembly, and to have these copies distributed to all ministers in the Church and to all other persons who might request them. 

Registration of the Committee 

The Committee deemed it wise to register under the Fictitious Names Act of Pennsylvania. Accordingly this was done on August 5, 1936, so that the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension of the Presbyterian Church of America is duly registered under the provisions of the Fictitious Names Act at the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to promote the work of the Presbyterian Church of America. This enables the Committee to conduct business under the laws of Pennsylvania. 

Erection of Presbyteries 

In accordance with the powers granted to it by the First General Assembly, the Committee has erected the following Presbyteries, in addition to the Presbytery of New York and New England, and the Presbytery of Philadelphia, which were established at the First General Assembly: 

1. The Presbytery of California, to include the State of California. 
2. The Presbytery of Chicago, to include the State of Illinois. 
3. The Presbytery of the Dakotas, to include the States of North and South Dakota. 
4. The Presbytery of Iowa, to include the State of Iowa. 
5. The Presbytery of New Jersey, to include the State of New Jersey. 
6. The Presbytery of the Northwest, to include the States of Washington and Oregon.
7. The Presbytery of Ohio, to include the States of Ohio and Indiana. 
8. The Presbytery of Wisconsin, to include the State of Wisconsin and the upper Peninsula of Michigan. 

These presbyteries have been convened and moderators and stated clerks elected. They are functioning as regular courts of the Church. 

Missionaries under the Committee 

It was determined that all the Missionaries who labor under the auspices of the Committee shall receive salaries under the following arrangements:

1. Single men shall receive $50 to $100 per month. 
2. Married men shall receive $100 to $200 per month. 
3. In each case the salary shall be determined according to the need and location of the Missionary.

The following men have been appointed as missionaries and are now serving under the auspices of this Committee: 

Rev. Carl Ahlfeldt. Missionary in Indianapolis, Ind. 
Rev. Samuel J. Allen, Missionary in North Dakota. 
Rev. Robert K. Churchill, Missionary in Washington and Oregon. 
Rev. Edward B. Cooper, Missionary in Pittsgrove, N. J. 
Rev. A. Franklin Faucette, Cleveland, Ohio, 
Rev. E. E. Matteson, Missionary in North Dakota. 
Rev. D. K. Myers, Missionary in South Dakota. 
Rev.. J. L. Shaw, Missionary in Kentucky. 
Rev. Leslie W. Sloat, Missionary in District of Columbia. 
Rev. Robert L. Vining, Missionary in Rochester, N. Y. 
Rev. Peter F. Wall, Missionary in Iowa. 

Aid Receiving Ministers 

In addition to the above full salaried missionaries, the following men have been granted aid according to their needs, and according to the Committee’s ability to give such aid: 

Rev. C. A, Balcom, Missionary in North Dakota. 
Rev. John Davies, Work Among Indians in Wisconsin. 
Rev. David Freeman, Philadelphia, Penna. 
Rev,. Donald Graham, Westfield, N. J. 
Rev. George W. Heaton, Bancroft, South Dakota. 
Rev. Walter J. Magee, Hamill, South Dakota. 
Rev. Robert Marsden, Middletown, Pa. 
Rev. Thomas H. Mitchell, Field Work in Ohio. 
Rev. Leonard S. Pitcher, Wildwood, N. J. 
Mr.. Stanley I. Ray, Norristown, Pa. 
Rev. E. Lynne Wade, Los Angeles, Calif. 
Rev. V. V. Wortman, Le Claire, Iowa. 

Ministers and Churches 

Beginning with 34 ministers just five months ago, the number has now grown to 108, and more are being added each week. These ministers reside in 23 states and five foreign countries, - China, Ethiopia, Japan, Korea, Peru. There are regularly constituted congregations situated in 16 states. 

In addition, there are many groups which are in the process of being organized into congregations.

Contributions to Committee

It has been encouraging to the Committee to receive funds from practically every group and congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America. Such sacrificial giving and missionary spirit augur well for the future of this Church. In addition, individuals in many parts of this country have sent in contributions for the work of the Committee. The Treasurer’s report gives the total amount of these gifts. 

The budget for the work of the Committee is over $2,000 per month. 

At the present time the needs are very pressing. Unless hundreds of dollars, are received this month the work will have to be greatly curtailed and some men who are living on extremely small stipends will be without food and shelter. But we are convinced that the work must not only be maintained but greatly increased. The Committee calls upon the General Assembly to consider this need and opportunity and to pray that the Lord will put it upon the hearts of many to give generously. 

The Civil Suit 

On August 13, 1936, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., acting through certain officers of its General Assembly, certain individual members, and the trustees of its General Assembly, filed a suit in equity in the Court of Common Pleas No. 5 in Philadelphia, against the officers and members of the Presbyterian Church of America, for the purpose of obtaining an immediate injunction restraining the Presbyterian Church of America from the use of that name now and forever. 

Acting under the general power granted to this Committee by the First General Assembly, namely, “it shall have power to engage in the presentation of the cause of the Presbyterian Church of America, and to take such measures as may be necessary for the prosecution of its work before the next General Assembly,” the Committee asked the well known Philadelphia law firm of Saul, Ewing, Remick and Saul, to act as legal counsel for the defendants, and employed the Rev. H. McAllister Griffiths, D.D., to act as Ecclesiastical Counsel, for three months, beginning October 1, 1936. 

The case is now pending before the Court of Common Pleas No. 5 in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

General Policy 

It has been the general policy of this Committee as far as possible to localize in the Presbyteries and the individual congregations, responsibility for the extension of the Church, in accordance with true Presbyterian practice. 

This Committee has labored with the co-operation and support of the Presbyteries where the missionaries have been stationed. 

Vote of Thanks 

The Committee desires to thank the ministers and members of the Presbyterian Church of America for their fine support and confidence. 

June 12, 1936 to October 31, 1936 

Contributions                                                    $7,656.43 
Contributions received as intermediary, see contra 106.14 
Missionary Salaries and aid                                $4,130.00 
Salaries of General Secretary and clerical help    1,177.50 
Promotion Expenses 
Traveling expenses of Missionaries et al  $496.56 
Printing, &c.                                           185.24 
Rental of hall for Assembly                      165.00 
Retainer fee, legal counsel                      100.00
Salary to the Ecclesiastical Counsel in connection 
with the law suit against the members of the 
Committee et al                                                    300.00
Office Rent                                                           175.00
Telephone and Telegraph                                         63.50
Printing, Stationery, and general office expense     319.44
Office Equipment                                                  186.50
Cost of Registration under the Fictitious Names Act   8.50 
Payments of contributions received as 
intermediary, see contra                                        106.14 
Balance October 31, 1936.                                                    $349.19 
On deposit with Provident Trust Company 
of Philadelphia                                                    $324.19 
Petty cash fund                                                      25.00 

The General Assembly proceeded to consider the recommendations. Recommendation No. 1 was read and adopted, as follows:

“That the General Assembly appoint a Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension to consist of 21 members, at least eleven of whom shall be ministers of the Gospel.” 

Recommendation No. 2 was read and the following substitute recommendation, as an amendment, adopted in its place: 

“That, the Moderator appoint a Nominating Committee to present the names of 12 ministers and 9 elders for the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension to the Assembly, that the voting be by ballot, that the membership of the Committee be divided into three classes: the 4 ministers and 3 elders receiving the highest vote to be in the class of 1939; the 4 ministers and 3 elders receiving the next highest vote, to be in the class of 1938, and the 4 ministers and 3 elders receiving the third highest vote to be in the class of 1937.”

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