Monday, June 26, 2023


Members of the Committee on Christian Education, Class of 1940:

Ministers: Robert L. Atwell, Calvin I. Cummings, (Chairman). 
Elder: Gordon H. Clark,

1940. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. Minutes of the Seventh General Assembly. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church. June 4-7. Pgs. 20-22.


The Committee, laboring under certain definite handicaps, has endeavored to accomplish the tasks assigned to it by the previous Assembly and to fulfill the general purposes for which it exists. The lack of a General Secretary, the illness of one of our most capable members, and our very meager resources retarded the Committee’s work but did not prevent the accomplishment of the objectives desired for the year.



The Committee has labored under the conviction that one of the great needs in our denomination is literature for the purposes of reaching the lost, instructing young Christians, and reaching those unfriendly to our witness to the whole counsel of God. To this end articles have keen contributed in The Presbyterian Guardian to encourage and to assist our constituency in the task of propagating the truths of a consistent and full-orbed Christianity. In addition, the Committee has provided publications and mimeographed materials of its own. These publications and materials are as follows:

Short Tracts. Four tracts by Dr. L. B. Gilmore on “Creation,’’ “Divine Providence,” “The Precious Blood of Christ,” and “The Good Shepherd” were published. A sufficient quantity was printed to meet the orders which we believed would come in over a period of five years. To date, approximately 8,000 copies of these tracts have been purchased. A number of these were purchased by individuals outside of our denomination and hitherto unknown to cut constituency. The Committee has acted to advertize these tracts in certain of the leading evangelical magazines in America. Our purpose in this is to extend the usefulness of “Reformed” Gospel tracts and to declare in circles where unfortunately it is denied, that we have a primary interest in the salvation of lost souls.

In response to the recommendation of the Presbytery of New Jersey. the Committee sponsored a tract contest. We deeply regret to report that there was no response to this contest. However, the Committee has not abandoned the idea of writing additional short tracts.

Long Tracts. A timely tract was published, entitled “A Message from Dr. J Gresham Machen." Another timely message is due from the printer - “Why the Orthodox Presbyterian Church?” - by the Rev. John P. Galbraith. Another tract is in preparation on “The Covenant of Grace’’ designed as a key to an understanding or the Bible for young Bible students.

Young People’s Lessons. We are happy to report that a coordination of the work in New England and the work of the Committee has been effected. Through mutual cooperation the Committee will be able to supply splendid mimeographed supplementary material to all the young people’s groups of our church and to other interested groups. Thus, the growing demand for material to supplement the Young People’s page in The Presbyterian Guardian has been happily met. Plans are now under way for the publication, in 1941, of these Young People’s materials in the form of a quarterly.

Summer Bible School Material. Through the Committee mimeographed material for use in the Summer Bible Schools has been provided. To date, approximately 300 mimeographed booklets have been purchased.



The Treasurer reports the following receipts and expenditures as of May 25, 1940.

Total receipts                                                    $297.67

Total expenditures                                               182.38 

Book Balance                                                     $115.29 

Bills payable by the time of the 

Seventh General Assembly (approximately)            70.00

Actual Balance                                                    $45.29 

Because of the small amount involved, the Committee audited the Treasurer’s report rather than employ an auditing firm. The Treasurer’s books are open for inspection by the Assembly. 



The Committee on Christian education recommends to the Seventh General Assembly: 

1. That one minister be added to each of the classes 1942 and 1943, and one elder to the class of 1941.

2. That the following budget be approved for the year 1940-41 - 

Young People’s Lessons                                                   $100.00

Summer Bible School Materials                                         100.00

Long tracts                                                                      300.00

Short tracts                                                                     100.00

Advertising and general Propaganda                                 100.00

Stenographic help, postage, and miscellaneous items         50.00


3. That the Sessions of our churches be urged to place the Committee on Christian Education on their budget for at least one dollar per month. 

4. That Westminster Theological Seminary be recommended to our churches for support in its singular contribution to the cause of Christian education.

5. That the Sessions of our churches be urged to place in the home of each new family that comes into the church a copy of The Presbyterian Guardian.

6. That Sessions be urged to encourage the formation of local Christian Day School Societies for the purpose of disseminating information concerning Christian Day Schools.

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