Friday, June 30, 2023

Gordon Clark: Resolution Against Purported "Discipline" (The Presbyterian Guardian)

The following resolution, read by Clark, was one which was unanimously adopted by the Philadelphia Presbytery of which he was a member. 

1936. Resolution Against Purported "Discipline." Knox Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Guardian. Vol. 2. No. 8. June 30. Pg. 181.

"Inasmuch as it has been reported in the daily press that the body known as the Presbytery of Philadelphia of the body known as the Presbytenan Church in the U.S.A. has purported to 'depose,' or otherwise discipline ministers who are members of this Presbytery and of the Presbyterian Church of America, a sovereign ecclesiastical body; Be it resolved as follows; 

"(1) That this Presbytery of Philadelphia of the Presbyterian Church of America calls the attention of the public, all ecclesiastical bodies and all the civil authorities who may have a proper interest in this matter, to the resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America concerning this subject: 'The First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America, having had brought before it questions concerning the status of certain persons under its jurisdiction, and being cognizant of the facts in these cases, does authoritatively declare and adjudicate as follows: 1. The final judgments of the 148th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. in Judicial Cases 1-5 before that body, were, in our judgment, contrary to the Bible, to the Protestant genius of the Reformed Churches, and in violation of the Constitution of the' Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. These judgments amounted to a substitution of the word of man for the Word of God. Since any action of any judicatory which is contrary to the Word of God cannot be held to be the lawful act of a church which acknowledges the Bible as its primary standard, we believe the action in these cases to have been void ab initio, and to have been merely a pretended adjudication. 2. Concerning those ministers, parties in the cases cited above, who are now under the jurisdiction of the Presbyterian Church of America, this General Assembly hereby formally declares them to be ministers of the Gospel in this church in good and regular standing with all the rights, privileges, and duties pertaining to lawfully ordained ministers. 3. Since certain ministers now under our jurisdiction did, on June 8, 1936, withdraw from the body claiming and bearing the title of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., and did send notice thereof to the presbyteries of that body in which they had until then been members, be it declared and adjudged by this General Assembly (a) That it is the inalienable right of any minister, elder, deacon, or layman to withdraw from any body claiming to be a branch of the visible church of Christ, such withdrawal to be immediately effective, if in the judgment of the person concerned there are sufficient reasons for such action. To deny this right is to affirm that a member of an essentially voluntary religious body' may be held in it against his will, which would, we believe, be a denial of the first principles of civil and religious liberty. (b) That any so-called infliction of ecclesiastical censure made by any body upon persons who have before the alleged infliction of such censure severed their connection with the organization in question is only a pretended infliction, null and void entirely. (c) That any further action on the part of any of the judicatories claiming the name and rights of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. against any minister, elder, deacon, or member of this church will be deemed an unwarranted, presumptuous, and unlawful interference by one religious body in the internal affairs of another. Ministers, elders, deacons, and members of the Presbyterian Church of America are under the sole and exclusive ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the judicatories of this church. Ecclesiastical actions concerning them by the courts of any other religious body are hereby declared null and void. 4. All censures inflicted by the courts of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. upon any of the defendants in Judicial Cases 1-5 mentioned above are by the action of this Assembly as the supreme judicatory of this church, terminated, lifted, and declared at an end. 5. The provisions of this action are hereby declared to extend to all parties concerned who shall be- come ministers or members of the Presbyterian Church of America, thus submitting to its jurisdiction, before the next General Assembly.' 

"(2) That this Presbytery declares that the following ministers, whom the body known as the Presbytery of Philadelphia of the body known as the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. has purported to "depose" are not deposed, have never been deposed, cannot be deposed by the body mentioned above which has no jurisdiction over them, and that they are lawfully-ordained ministers of the Presbyterian Church of America; The Rev. H. McAllister Griffiths, the Rev. E. H. Rian, the Rev. Charles J. Woodbridge, the Rev. Paul Woolley. 

"(3) That this Presbytery declares that the following ministers are members of the Presbytery of Philadelphia of the Presbyterian Church of America, subject to the jurisdiction of this church alone, and that any so-called acts of "discipline" purportedly done against any or all of them by any other ecclesiastical body whatsoever are unlawful, null and void: 

Dean W. Adair 
Carl Ahlfeldt 
Philip B. Arcularius 
Robert K. Churchill 
John P. Clelland 
Bruce A. Coie 
Calvin K. Cummings 
Peter De Ruiter 
Everett C. DeVelde 
Albert B. Dodd 
Franklin S. Dyrness 
Frank L. Fiol 
W. K. Fleck David Freeman 
A. Culver Gordon 
Robert H. Graham 
H. McAllister Griffiths 
R. Laird Harris 
R. Moody Holmes 
Bruce F. Hunt 
J. Gresham Machen 
Allan A. MacRae 
George W. Marston 
Robert S. Marsden 
Thomas H. Mitchell 
Edwin H. Rian 
Charles G. Sterling 
N. B. Stonehouse 
John B. Thwing 
Kelly G. Tucker 
Cornelius Van Til 
Peter F. Wall 
Henry G. Welbon 
Charles E. Wideman 
Charles J. Woodbridge 
Paul Woolley 
V. V. Wortman 

"(4) That this Presbytery declares that the purported acts of dieipline of the body in question are an unwarranted, presumptuous and unlawful interference by one religious body in the internal affairs of another."

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