Monday, June 26, 2023


Members of the Committee on Christian Education, Class of 1938: Robert S. Marsden, J. H. McClay, Cornelius Van Til, Robert L. Atwell, R. Laird Harris, Gordon H. Clark

1938. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. Minutes of the Fourth General Assembly. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church. May 31-June 3. Pg. 11

The Committee on Christian Education: 

1. Recommends and strongly urges Sessions to provide instruction in the Scriptures and the Catechisms of our church for the covenant youth and for any who contemplate joining our church. 
2. Heartily recommends the formation of Bible Institutes true to the Scriptures and the subordinate standards of our church, and calls attention to the Calvin Institute of the Bible to be located in Philadelphia. 
3. Recommends the support of Summer Conferences that are faithful to the Bible and the subordinate standards of our church. Attention is called to (a) The Young People's conference at Quarryville. (b) the Reformed Young People's Conference at Hollis, Maine, (c) the Reformed Summer Conference for Ministers to be held at Westminster Theological Seminary, (d) the Young People's Conference in the Black Hills, S. D., and (e) the Young People's Conference at Bend, Oregon. 
4. Recommends the formation of local societies for the organization of Christian Day Schools. 
5. Suggests to the Sessions of our church the advisability of obtaining the widest possible circulation of The Presbyterian Guardian in the homes of our denomination. 
6. Recommends to our Sessions and congregations the support of Westminster Theological Seminary. 
7. Calls the attention of those desiring Sunday School literature true to the Bible and the subordinate standards of our church to the publications of the Christian Reformed Publishing Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

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